Friday, June 29, 2007


I had no idea about this until winner Susan M. commented about it - the Fugly Friday contest was mentioned on the She-Knits podcast. Cool! Thanks, podcaster Sharon. (Also, go see Sharon's etsy shop; I could get in some trouble there.)

For those of you coming over from there, welcome! The contest is a continuing homage to late, great You Knit What?, which catalogued scary knits and called them fugly. I realized I had a few of those I had actually knit, and I figure you guys do too. Have you knit one? Send me a pic (or several) to the email up top, and if you win, you'll get your own Fugly Friday post. You'll also get yarn from my stash! (No could about it - winning = yarn. Winning is not guaranteed, though.)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Wow! Way to step up into the bigtime & getting mentioned on a podcast. That's so cool!