This is a sock I started in Fortissima Colori Disco sock yarn from Schoeller + Stahl in color 5. That's not glare, it's really got a strand of something silver and glittery. But somehow it looked cuter in the skein.

I thought it would stripe better, which seemed like fun, because I hadn't used a self-striping yarn in a while. I think this must be designed with children in mind, because some of the stripes only go halfway around my moderately sized ankle.
But seriously. Who doesn't need sparkly pink socks?
Now I'm not sure I'm entirely in love with this sock. I still want sparkly pink socks, but I don't absolutely love how it's coming out. What should I do?
I would say there is no choice really but to finish tham and if you really don't like them, give them to someone who does. I like them but not a man's sock.
I know it isn't easy to knit what you don't like though.
In the end only can decide. You can't really just throw it out can you?
I have that yarn, and then some, and absolutely love it!
I hope you finish them up and post them. :)
perhaps work ribbing all the way down to the heel flap area? that would break up the stripes, give it texture and still be a good simple pattern to knit. it is very pretty yarn and your knitting is real even and extremely well done.
You could frog out the sock and knit a scarf to go with the glittery pink socks made of a yarn you like better....
I have to agree with you. The knitting is beautiful but the sock is a little (I hate to say it) boring. why don't you use this yarn in a more patterned sock. I think this yarn would be great for something like Monkey or Jaywalker or something on that line.
If I'm not happy with my project, I set it aside for a bit and ponder it. Frogging and restarting later is a possibility, maybe with a rib variation going down the leg. I love the color, so something simple would let the yarn speak for itself.
I knitted my very first sock ever with this yarn in blue. Though, if I were you, I would now knit something with a pattern. I just started the dragonfly sock from Jocelyn: http://cavyshops.com/dragonflysocks.html
May be that is just what this yarn needs. Besides it is a fast knit.
I think the "go for a pattern" advice is good as this is really cute yarn. It would be too bad not to like the finished project. If your unsure enough about the sock to ask advice , you probably don't like it enough to wear it after you have forced your self to finish knitting two.
I really like them. They are your socks and if you don't like them you probably won't wear them and then your time would be wasted. I do think they are cool though.
I agree with the others that a texture would make this sock more interesting. What about Menehune Cobblestones by Adriene Fong. You can find it at this web address.
Sorry I didn't realize that the address would be cut off in the comment window.
The Full web addy is for Menehune Cobblestones is
My thought when I read of your plight was for something like the monkey sock because the pattern will break up the striping enough so it won't be so bothersome that some of the stripes don't go all the way around (which would bug me too).
I love it! I think you should keep knitting them. :)
If you don't love it, you might not finish it (that would be the case if it were my sock). I, at one point not too long ago, had over 14 socks in progress. Yesterday I had a frog fest and freed up a bunch of yarn. I'll save it for when I find a project that will make me love it.
Hi Sarah - I agree with others who said to frog it and incorporate a pattern. Someone else mentioned Monkey by Cookie A. - that's exactly what I was thinking!
Barbara in NH
I vote monkey. Or some similarly delicious pattern.
I say make them. They may not stripe, but they look really cute from where you are now. With something shiny, you don't have to make it interesting with a pattern, but a simple pattern would also be lovely with that yarn. I think everyone needs a pair for shiny pink socks!
Followed your link from the Sockknitters yahoo group and can I say I love that yarn?? I think it looks really nice! I like the fact that it's not a full stripe, but more of a mottled look. If that's not what you were going for, I can see why you'd be disappointed.
Well as you can see there are others here that would be more than happy to take it off your hands!! LOL
I agree with the pattern method if you want to change it. I had a similar problem with some socks I was knitting for my mom, and the pattern broke it up so you didn't see it as much. What pattern you use? That's up to you!
Alls I have to say is, oh. Um-hmm. ;-}
Keep knitting! I think they're gorgeous, but if you don't you can
a) wear them to bed on cold nights;
b) under boots;
c) gift them!
I do like that yarn, but I think turning into a Jaywalker is the right answer. Jaywalkers are always the right answer! :)
Good luck with the sock!
I say keep on keepin' on, but then again, yarn not doing what it is supposed to doesn't bother my scatterbrainedness as much as it does most other people. Whenever I get pissed at yarn I tend to jaywalker it up, but you could also try a slipped stitch rib or something that breaks up pooling/annoyingness.
If you don't like it, there's no reason to let it hang around and bug you. I say rip it. :)
By the way, I've tagged you -- go see my blog for more info.
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