Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Seriously, with all the great submissions I've been getting, there need to be more days of the week that start with "F." Do you think anyone would support my lobby for Fruesday? (Yes, Fuesday would work too, but Fruesday sounds funnier. Try it.)
Robin, who normally has impeccable taste in patterns (seriously, I've commented on this many times), has sent me these two beauties. One can be seen on her blog here.

I think the look says it all. Fair warning, it's the "Waterlily Top from Interweave Knits [Spring '06] in Colinette Giotto." So, maybe we should all stay away from that one. Also, from anyone with that look. I'm scared even from here. Honestly, it could be worse, though.
This one - I wish there was a front view. (Bonus points if you send one, Robin.) But I'm still a fan.
Aparently, it's "Lambada" from the Cotton Braid Collection. Robin says, "My husband had me posing hitting the punching bag to signify my distaste for it." Bad fit? Check. Droopy armholes? Check. Random hood? Check. This one's a winner.


Robin said...

Hilarious!! I'm glad I could provide some entertainment! Eek, do I have to put that thing on to take a picture from the front view (we didn't b/c we were trying to show the "random hood" - love that phrase btw.)

Unknown said...

Funny how we all get excited about a pattern and then it turns out to be something we wouldn't buy at a store, let alone make ourselves...oh well....good idea....

The Tunisian crochet is what you have heard of as aphgan crochet, I'm pretty sure. It is fun to do, but I must admit is a bit fiddlier then I thought it would be.