These are from the ubiquitous Fiber Trends felted clog pattern, and it's popular for a reason. It goes very quickly, provided you do not make any number of silly mistakes. However, there are very many mistakes that you could make and screw them up entirely.
For example, I taught these as a class at Peggy's Strands of Heaven, and I think I'm doing it again in January (or February, check the class list). I made the sample on the wall there, the obnoxiously pink ones. These things look very silly unfelted, let me tell you. But they also look very silly if you try, as I did, to attach the outer sole to bottom of the inner sole. I don't know how many times I went through that before I got it right. And if you haven't done these in a while, don't do them while people are talking. It is guaranteed to get your count off, and it's hard to recover. But barring silly mistakes, these really are a fast knit.
If you know the pattern, these are made without the "bumper" on them. I had originally inteded to add a leather sole to them, but it was, well, leather colored, and these clogs are not. I didn't realize it would show too much until I held it up to the bottom. It would have completely covered the lower dark grey portion. So I decided to risk it, after testing the slippers on the garage floor to make sure they do not live up to their name.
What else am I going to do with men's 13" leather soles? Duncan already chewed through the bag, so there's no returning it.
I made a slight modification to the pattern as I went along. Well, I didn't so much modify it as decided to pick up the stitches the easy way. When you attach the hem of the cuff or the second sole to the body of the slipper, the pattern wants you to go pick up all the required stitches on one needle, and then knit them together and bind off. This is entirely too much effort for me, so I picked up each stitch individually, knit it together with its partner on the needle, and then bound off. While this idea drives Lorna crazy, I find it goes much faster. You can always squeeze a stitch or two in or out if you need to.
Also, I heard about a modification on the internet where you knit the sole in one solid piece. As the pattern stands, you work sort of a parabola shape with short rows, then seam it up the middle. This hasn't particularly bothered me, but I'm curious about the other way. I might give it a try during the second installment of the class.
In Summary:
Pattern: Fiber Trends Felted Clogs
Yarn: Lamb's Pride Bulky, two skeins dark grey, one skein light grey (85% wool, 15% mohair)
Needles: Size 13, 16" and 24" , but you could get away with just the 16" if you had to
Time: Really quickly. You could easily do one clog in an evening, again with the no-mistakes caveat.
Love the clogs!
I have this pattern in both big and little but haven't got round to trying it yet. It's definitely on my list. The leather slipper bottoms are available in loads of colors that would go nicely with grey (not that it's helpful to you now, but for future reference) and they do come in quite large sizes. I just bought some at Shuttles Spindles and Skeins in Colorado in the 12" for hubby and I definitely saw 13" on the cart. I bought dark brown but I also recall red, navy, dark green, light blue and many other colors. I don't think they sell stuff online but surely there's a supplier that does and if not, I do happen to know someone that lives in Boulder who could pick some up should you really desire. (BTW, kitties are still working on those wonderful treats you sent and they LOVE them).
Dad loves them. He's got them on all the time. Mom
Got to see these "slippers" via Lorna's gifts to her SIL and niece. Oh my, put my order in too.
BTW: Last game of Bears yesterday was probably second best of their season. (First one was beating GB which did not see) was antiquing with DD. The season was disappointing but this last game was fun to watch and yeah they won, but alas another year without winning the pool.
I thought the clogs looked really nice. I hope your father liked them.
Oh, they're fab!
I totally should've stolen the orange ones from the shop when I left. Those things were the most comfortable footwear EVER.
Happy 2008!
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