Aparently chunky knits are big this season, but someone took this to the extreme. While I understand that skinny people are the only ones who can really get away with wearing them, I wonder how these stick-thin models manage to support the weight. It's sad, really.
She looks pretty angry about it, but I suppose I would be too.
This one is from the Derelicte line. Is it a coat? Is it a dress? Is a giant knit garbage bag? It's anyone's guess.

I can't tell if those are sleeves, or bizarre extensions of the pattern. She might also have a dragon wrapped around her neck, it's hard to tell.

What on earth is going on here? Aliens have landed, wrapped our heads in some sort of poncho that covers our faces and has knit in mittens. This might be more effective than a straight jacket. At least she has better shoes than the rest of them.
Anyone want to guess what the gauge is on these things?
Anyone want to guess what the gauge is on these things?
Eeew! What a waste of good yarn!
What were they thinking of?
wow. those are something.
Gauge: 0.3 sts/inch. I've seen those sweaters before, there is a blogger that posts about fashion runway stuff like that...aren't they just sooooo ugly? Of course you think so, it's Fugly Friday!
Whoever made those garments, should have their needles taken away. That's fashion. And the shoes....?
can you imagine having to be the model??? the horrors!
OMG! Those are scary, not fugly. That is worse than watching a normal fashion show and the creations from a alien race that walk the cat walk. I am also a little bit more concerned about the shoes-feet in the first few than I was the knit wear... They weren't humans, they were bears in human suits trying to show off their knitwear. That is why the scarf was so huge, it was for a bear, not a human.
These huge crazy sweaters they are showing this season are INSANE!! Who the F is going to wear these and look good?
Well, at least they may knit up fast. I wonder where you can get yarn that size???
WOW.....not in a good way, either. So, where did they get the yarn for such items anyhoo? And, how hot must that be....I'm surprised their heels didn't break under the enormous weight!!
I laughed out loud. Hey, have you seen THIS? Kate sent the link to me: http://www.phobe.com/fsmhat/index.html
I want to knit one. But it's for crocheters. See, this is entirely the problem I have with organized religion...
Ok you REALLY needed a spew alert for this entry!!! OMG they were histerical!! But it IS runway. No runway outfits should be worn in public. And that woman looks unhappy because she hasnt eaten in a year!
As far as the shoes, it looks like they were seasonal or something. The first two were thick with the fur/feathers, the 3rd had half the stuff on it and the last one had great sandals. Thank God too since her outfit looked like a knitted condom!
A new fugly for you!
Whew. Yech. And what's with the shoes??
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