During blocking:

Have you ever noticed that when you're working on a project during a movie, or while you're thinking about something, whenever you pick it up again, you find yourself reminded of what you were doing before? Branching Out scarf #2 was finally blocked during Miss Congeniality on Sunday. Therefore, Branching Out scarf #2 is now going to be associated with Miss Congeniality.

Hope you like it, Mom.
After Frankenstein's pins are removed:

And here's Worfy, modeling the finished baby hat. I lost my good #7 double points; they could be anywhere in the black hole that is my apartment. I stopped by Erica's today and picked up another set, plus the second set of 9's I need for that tank. And that was all I bought. Technically. Although, like any other sin, the purchase of further yarn has already been committed in my mind. That hand -painted cotton is practically mine....

Now, if you were naive, you'd see these two finished object and be amazed that I narrowed down the number of projects I'm working on. But you, dedicated physicists that you, know the second law of thermodynamics better than that. The entropy of any Sarah always increases.
Now, the felted bag could be done. I've finished the body and the strap, but I've decided to knit all four of the optional pockets. Hey, I've got the yarn, and who doesn't like pockets? Look! A pocket!

Two other premeditated knitting crimes have finally been cast on as well.
First, socks from a fantastic sock yarn I got in Germany. I finally found a sock pattern I liked, because it's customizable for yarn weight, style, etc. This was great, until I wanted a ribbed sock, and promptly followed the pattern for the flat one. I pulled back about 2" to get back to the 1" of ribbing I had knit, and reworked it. Now, they make me cackle with glee. I will knit both. Take that, ugly sock. May you forever remain single.

The other was a pattern I picked up on an unscheduled trip to Sheep's Clothing. I've wanted to try double knitting for a while, and it is really, really cool. I'm knitting both sides of the fabric at once. I'm having visions of an entire sweater knit, both sides at once, with its lining in place. Then I realized that once the novelty of double knitting wears off, it will combine all the irritation of ribbing with all the twisted yarn of fair isle. Then double knitting will become that "it" shirt from last season, sitting in your closet, begging to come out, but being just so popular six months ago, you

can't wear it until it's cool again in 5 years. (Except for ponchos. I never did that. Never will.) But for now, it's still really, really cool. And it will also remind me of the Super Bowl when my dad's team finally won. Yay, Jerome Bettis.
1 comment:
Hi Sarah- if you've got some time today (and future Thursdays)- knitlunch is happening... 12:15- at the law school. I'll meet you by the door in between the law and engineering building if you'd like to show. Drop me an email (kschmid5) or a comment :)
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