Here is some of the stealth knitting I promised you. Although my parents got their Christmas gift early this year, I had to give them a little something on the day of (which in my family is the 24th, btw).
And for my mom, I had to put it in this cute little tin.
My mom is "allergic" to wool, so it's always a challenge to knit her something useful with cotton. Fixation is a wonderful thing. I love the stretchiness of it - there's no yarn like it. And it's rather thick, so it goes really quickly on socks.This is the Broadripple pattern from knitty. I always recommend it to people, so it's high time I finally knit it. It was written for Fixation, and since I know of no good substitute, Fixation it was. These colors are very my mom.

Fun fast pattern, fun fast yarn. Perfect for a last minute Christmas gift.
Very cute.
Dude, have you seen the new Panda silk? Mmmmmm..... And for some unknkown reason (probably related to Panda Cotton, actually), it always makes me think of you.
Gosh, I don't know which gift I like best! ! ! ! The socks are beautiful-----a Mom sock-----and a lunch box ready too.
This Mom got a tote bag/purse which is absolutely beautiful from the Knitting Knitwit alias Knitting Wilkey
Love it and Happy New Year.
Lorna's Mom--Carol
I love the Broadripple socks. That really is one of my favorite patterns. And I love the color!
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