Meet my kitten-to-be, Duncan MacLeod. (Yes, that is the Highlander. No, I didn't name him, but it's still cute and I'm keeping it.)

Could he be cuter? I believe the answer is no. I am completely in love with him already.

And I don't think he minds. He's a whole four weeks old in these pictures, and he's already grown a ton.
My friend Heather, who works at a vet's office, is fostering him. He was found all alone outside in some bad storms we had a few weeks back. They think the mom was moving her litter and dropped him. Heather raised him by hand, and they were a little worried about him for a while.

The first week she brought him in, he was so little he could barely hold his head up. Now, since Heather has done such an awesome job, he's an active, curious little guy.
After the second week, I was done. I had to have this cat. He still needs a little more care than I can give him right now, so Heather is still fostering him until he can eat crunchy food on his own. Right now he still needs canned yummies every four hours or so. (It's cute, but I can't do it while I'm at work.)

But I had to knit some little cat toys to send home with him at least.

He's doing a good job attacking them.

But then he decided they're also really comfortable, which is heartbreakingly cute.

Don't worry, though, Worfy is still my baby. Here he is enjoying his new compressed catnip ball (I highly recommend these, but I also highly recommend not stepping on them in the middle of the night).

I hope they'll get along. But I had been thinking about getting another cat to keep the Worf company during the day anyway, so maybe this will work out just fine.
The cat toys are really fun and easy. You can find links below. Vicki makes them for her cats and for charity, and I suggest you do the same.
In Summary:
Yarn: Scraps of cotton and what might be acrylic
Needles: Size 8
Time: Less than an hour to knit, stuff and seam both toys
Cost: Free! That's what the stash is for
You can probably hear me squealing and sighing from here! What a cutie. . .
That is one cute (and lucky) kitty! Congrats!
What a cutie! The toys are almost bigger than he is.
What a super cute cat. I would strongly suggest that you read up on introducing new cats. When we got our second cat we had a couple of miserable weeks as we did it the entire wrong way. You may know this, but in case you don't, it is really helpful to keep them in separate rooms for awhile, where they can see and smell each other under the door. You can also put one cat in a carrier and let the other one smell it. Then trade them around and put the other in the carrier. We basically introduced our cats too soon (our first cat had been around other cats and loved them, but she somehow sensed that the new cat was here to stay and thus HATED him at first). Good luck.
Dear lord. That cat is so adorable I might have to spell it with a "w".
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Oh. Awww.
Yeah, that's the most intelligible thing I can manage to say right now. What a cutie! And I think a good addition. And I'm SO jealous that he came to knitting group (I'm both jealous of him and y'all, really...).
AW! The couple we got Eddie from last week found 7 newborn kittens abandoned in a box in a parking lot. Most of them hadn't even opened their eyes yet. Now Eddie is fluffy and cuddly and just wants to play and be loved... Rescue cats make great cats.
Awwwwwww!!!!! What an adorable kitty! I just love him!! Squeeee! (Way to get a grown woman to start cooing like a crazy? Introduce her to a tiny little miniature tabby cat.)
Well, see, I totally get it now. INow I understand why people photograph their knitting with their cats! You photos of that kitten are amazingly cool --I felt like I could almost touch him.
I'm such a sucker for cats, though, anyway.
And that was all gorgeous yarn in those pictures, once I went back through at looked at it.
Ahhhhh, too, too cute.
I'm in love with him, too!
Oh he is too cute! I hope I get to meet him someday! :)
gah. could i have one please? :) he is precious...
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