I have a lot of these cotton scraps left over from a massive blanket I'm working on for myself, and they work up well into cute combinations of hats. The one on the bottom middle got called my "Hello Kitty hat" by my friends, but it was unintentional. It just shows you how predictable I am colorwise. The one I am really proud of though, is the hot pink one with the little irises I charted up. Enhance!

I am really happy with the way these came out. I will make a few modifications to it (I will make the leaves go more straight up like iris leaves, and I will put one stitch of yellow in the center where the hot pink shows through), but overall, I am very happy with it. When I am settled on my final version, I will provide the chart. It's a quick, fun little thing that can be adapted to anything.
In Summary:
Pattern: My default baby hat pattern
Yarn: Bernat Cotton Tots (I love this yarn) 100% cotton, various scraps, but I think you maybe only need 60 yards or so for a newborn hat like these
Needles: Size US 7 16" circular and dpn
Time: An hour or two per hat depending on how complicated I made them, or how long it took to dig up the matching yarn when I ran out
Cost: Free, since it's leftovers
Yay, another post! She's baaack..
The hats are awesome! Which charity do you give them to?
The flower one is very cute!
Cute, and will watch for your chart. Have left overs of Sugar and Spice or whatever ( dishcloth) and could make some of these for charity in our area.
Enjoy carol
They are too cute! Next time I can't think what to knit I need to sit down and so some charity knitting. I have way too many little bits that I can't do anything else with!
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